India's best Manufacturers of Rice Rubber Rolls

Rice Rubber Rolls are used for treating and de-husking the rice. It polishes the rice to make it whiter and shinier. It can be used to process all kinds of rice such as steam, parboiled and raw rice. It is available in different types such as drum sleeves, wire netting and perforated shell.
How it works?
The paddies are sent into two rubber rolls which operates at different speeds to remove its husk. The rubber rolls are of same size but one roll will be fixed while the other can be adjusted to desired speed. The fixed roller rotates slightly faster than the adjustable roller. The rubber roll hullers will be equipped with an ejector on its base to separate the shell from the rice.
Characteristics of Rice Rubber Rolls:
·         Due to its higher efficiency in extracting the rice from its outer shell, maximum percentage of rice yield can be obtained.

·         It is resistant to heat and pressure. It is also scratch-resistant.
·         Rolls are sturdy and durable.
·         Amount of broken rice received are minimal by using these rolls.
·         It is highly affordable hence it reduces the production cost.
·         High quality rice can be manufactured by using them.
·         It is easy to use.
·         It can be replaced easily.
Things to be noted while using Rice Rubber Rolls:
·         Check for any grain stuck in between the rolls before starting and ensure proper alignment of rolls.
·         14% moisture content should be maintained for the paddy before processing it.
·         Rice rubber rolls must be changed regularly to avoid wear and tear.
·         Rolls of suitable size should be used.
