The rubber rolls huller is the most useful
hulling mechanism. As the name suggests two Rice Rubber Rolls of the
equivalent bore runs at varying speeds to separate the husk from the Rice. One
roller has a fixed to a specific position while the other is movable to
coincide the sought clearance. The movable roller rotates somewhat slower than
the fixed roller. Rice Rubber rolls hullers have a compartment below where all
the discarded hulls from the brown rice have been collected.
How to get the optimum life and performance of
Rice Rubber Rolls?
l Before commencing the husker, correct the alignment of the rubber
rolls. Discard any grain present between the shells.
l Set the clearance to approximately 0.5 mm (or) the rolls should be
just meeting each other.
l Shortly after starting the tool check the hulling performance. If the
hulling performance is below 90%, decrease the leeway until the hulling
efficiency is around 90%-95%. The rolls are not fastened in this position.
l It is important to check the hulling efficiency at regular interims as
the rubber rolls wear outs.
l Before turning off the machine, close the feed gate entirely and
remove the rolls of paddy.
Rice Rubber Rolls is the best and effective way to remove hulls
from the rice.
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