Different Types of Rice Rubber Roller and Their Use

The Rubber Rolls is a part (equipment) of the rice mill or the small rice making machine (huller) used for the purpose of remove husk from the paddy. The husk other name is chaff is the outer layer of the rice grain which need to remove to get the rice and the whole process is known as the hull of rice. Other than rubber roll there also use of steel roller or disk for this purpose.
The hulling process through the hulling machine big or small has the same basic principle used to remove that out part husk. There are two number of Rice Rubber Rolls are used in the any huller machine. Among these two one is tightly fixed with the machine and another one is loosely fitting and can be adjustable according to the requirement. These two rolls rotate and hull the paddy. The speed of the fixed roll is rapid while the adjustable roll rotates slowly.
There are different types of Rice Rubber Rolls according to their use some of these are described below.
Rubber Roller for de-husking:
The Rice Rubber Rolls are highly use in de-husk to paddy to got the rice grain. These rollers are made up with very high premium quality rubber and coated with PU. 

Rubber Roller for Huller:
Small rice hull machine is popularly known as the huller. These are smaller in size and made with pairs. There are small amount of paddy hull in these machine found in the country sides.
Rubber Roller for Rice Mill:
Rice Mills are the big unit for rice hull work. There is huge amount of the paddy hull in the rice mill. The general color of the Rice Rubber Rolls in rice mill is brown and average diameter of the roller is between 50-100mm. These rollers are made up with the natural rubber.
Maintenance Tips:
There are some key factors need to know while using the rollers to de-husk paddy unless the rollers are getting damaged quickly.
·         Always maintain less than 14% moisture of paddy.
·         Clean well and remove the grain remain inside the rollers.
·         The gap between two roller should be 0.5mm
·         Never run roller when there is no grain inside the roller.
·         The cooling plates should be changed and cleaned once in each week.
