Rollers are
there to remove the husk from the paddy. Rice Rubber Rolls as the name suggests is a most efficient hulling machine. In
rice rubber, roller husker one roller has the fixed position, and another is
adjusted to operate the work. The roller which is changed rotates at the slow
speed so that the husk get easily removed. Aspirators are there at the base of
the machine to separate the hulls from the brown rice. Removing of husk
manually is tuff and time taking task the rollers operates efficiently and
comparatively takes less time and eliminate the shell.
Before starting
the work certain things to be checked so that the performance doesn't get
affected and overall the excellent result is delivered. First and foremost the
alignment should be checked off the husker, And if any grain is present between
the roller should be removed. The rice rubber rolls should touch each other for the friction. They should not slide
by this friction will not be created, and the husk will not get removed. The
moisture content of the paddy should not be more or less than fourteen percent.
The efficiency of the hull should be high at approx 95%.\
The axis of rice rubber rolls must be the perfect
line with that of shaft and hub. When the roller is changed, then the bigger
roller should be mounted on the shaft which is moving fast. The spare roller
must be kept inside the dark room protected from the sunlight. After the
operation or after every performance the huller should have been adequately
cleaned. And when the rolls are changed the end faces of the rollers must face
the same line. So, while using the rubber rolls, certain precautions should be
taken so that the performance doesn't get affected
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