Need for modern rice rubber polishers

Rice is the staple food in most parts of India. The process of removing the husk and the hard part of paddy grains to make it look finer without the loss of nutritional values is a herculean task. Paddy grains arrive at rice mills with a lot of weed seeds, soil, and small pieces of stones. To remove the husk from paddy grains, pre-cleaning will be done to remove all the unwanted material hidden along with paddy grains.
After pre-cleaning, husk will be removed by conventional hullers or rice rubber polishers.  A rice rubber polisher contains blades of different diameters to remove the husk and to remove rice bran from paddy grains to make the rice look finer without the loss of nutrition. Rice bran is considered a healthy food but most of the consumers like to eat white rice because of many reasons.

What is the difference between traditional hullers and rice rubber polisher?
Rice rubber polisher is made of selected quality rubber and polymers which are not harmful to the environment and the material that does not cause any harm to the quality of food when the rice is dehusked using the machine.  This machine is used to remove husk using two types of polishers and reduces the number of broken rice grains and improves the productivity of rice. The modern rice polishing machines ensure the longevity of rice grains and are helping to make the grains look finer.
When compared to traditional hullers, these products ensure less breakage of grains and cleaning of the paddy becomes easier. These polishers are helpful to farmers as well as millers to enhance their well being by improving the quality life of rice rubber polisher grains and supporting more productivity.
