INTRODUCTION TO Rice Whitening Abrasive Stone

Rice Whitening Abrasive Stone are nothing else but minerals. They are rough & tough and are used for different purposes. They are widely used in rice industries and other industries too. Abrasive stones show wide range of uses some of the common uses are grinding, sharpening, shaping, buffing, cutting and sanding. Abrasives can be classified into different categories based on their occurrence and the manufacturing. They are divided into two main categories based on their occurrence and those categories are naturally occurring abrasive and artificial abrasives. Some the naturally occurring abrasives includes calcite, sandstone, sand and staurolite. Artificial abrasives include borazon, dry ice, steel abrasive and slag. Abrasives are of different shapes and sizes and there features and durability varies accordingly. The two main categories of manufactured abrasives are bonded abrasives and coated abrasives. Bonded abrasives are comparatively tougher and harder than coated abrasives. Grinding cylinders are the best example of bonded abrasives. And sandpaper can be taken as one of the major example of coated abrasives. Coated abrasives use substrates like cloth and paper making them weak in front of grinding cylinders that is bonded abrasives. RICE WHITENING ABRASIVES STONES/ROLLERS are made from excellent and durable quality aluminium oxide and silicon carbide only. They are durable and abrasion is fast which means broken rice amount is less. Abrasion is nothing else but the wearing of two materials when rubbed against each other one being abrasive which is generally tougher & rougher than the material.

SUMMARY : These RICE WHITENING ABRASIVESTONES/ROLLERS are used in           almost every rice industry for whitening of rice to give a better look. They are rough and made up of excellent quality silicon carbide and sometimes of aluminium oxide also. They last long and are rough which makes the abrasion process fast. Amount of broken rice is less hence increasing the productivity
